Friday, 18 November 2016

Ribbon Sleeve Blouse

Ribbon Sleeve Blouse
Matt: Baloteli
Allsize Fit to L
Bust: 106cm, Length: 70cm
Detail: Lengan lonceng
Retail IDR 105.000
Reseller IDR 95.000

Penguin Stripes Tunic

Penguin Stripes Tunic
Matt: Spandek rayon super
Allsize Fit to L
Bust: 104cm, Panjang depan: 62cm
Panjang belakang: 110cm
Retail IDR 90.000
Reseller IDR 80.000

Ayleen Kulot Rok

Ayleen Kulot Rok
Matt: Cotton supernova
Allsize fit to XL
Waist: 90cm, Length: 86cm
Detail: Pinggang karet, Bagian dalam celana + cover rok
Retail IDR 120.000
Reseller IDR 110.000

Alika Flower Maxi Dress

Alika Flower Maxi Dress
Matt: Maxmara
Allsize Fit to L
Bust: 104cm, Length: 140cm
Detail: Pinggang karet, Pergelangan tangan kancing, Resleting dada
Retail: IDR 165.000
Reseller IDR 155.000

List Cullote Pants

List Cullote Pants
Matt: Cotton linen
Size: Fit to L
Waist: 84cm, Length: 100cm
Detail: Pinggang karet
Retail IDR 125.000
Reseller IDR 115.000

Embroidery Tassel Blouse

Embroidery Tassel Blouse
Matt: Twiscone
Allsize Fit to M
Bust: 100cm, Length: 65cm
Retail IDR 93.000
Reseller IDR 83.000 

Pocket Sweater

Pocket Sweater
  Matt: Rajut halus, bahan tebal adem, dan tidak gatal
  Allsize Fit to L
Bust: 120cm, Length: 120cm
Retail IDR 95.000
Reseller IDR 85.000

Basic Umbrella Maxi Dress

Basic Umbrella Maxi Dress
Matt: Baloteli
Allsize fit to L
Bust: 104cm, Length: 145cm
Retail IDR 150.000
Reseller IDR 140.000